A LEGO Character Creator Community

Bio-Cup 2020

The Bio-Cup continues to outdo itself! This year over 400 people joined the contest group. Builders created 370 MOCs for the competition with outstanding build quality through the ranks. Congratulations to VB for taking first place and to Tino P for winning Best-In-Show!

EP-LUG Expo 2019

EPLUG's first official independent exhibit took place in Tataháza with twelve members displaying MOCs in the event hall. We're thankful for the enthusiastic crowd, and can't wait to repeat this meetup next year.

Bio-Cup 2019

Another momentous year for the Bio-Cup! The event pulled in almost 300 members and saw an output of over 250 MOCs. This year also introduced the redemption round, where contestants eliminated in early rounds could compete for additional prizes. Congratulations to JakTheMad for winning the 2019 Bio-Cup!

Bio-Cup 2018

This year's Bio-Cup built off of the success of last year's to a tune of 250 group members and over 200 MOCs built for it. Congratulations Rockmonster2000 for victory in this year's Bio-cup, and a big thank you to everyone who participated!

Bio-Cup 2017

2017 marked the return of the Bio-Cup, a moc-pages era contest now revived to spark engagement in Bionicle building and foster a sense of community. With almost 40 builders competing and over 100 MOCs build for it, the return of the Bio-Cup was a tremendous success. Congrats to VLAD LISIN on his win of the first modern era Bio-Cup.

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